Pusateri's Dog Grooming

Grooming all breeds of small dogs up to 50lbs, with extras like special shampoos, conditioner, and lovely perfumes.  Additional services like teeth brushing, nail clipping and buffing for smooth nails are also available.

With the Dog-sitting service, I treat each dog as my own.  I take them for walks, give them treats.  Since they are never crated, I take only one dog at a time.

A bit about me:
After working as a nanny for many years, i decided the stress and the hours were too much for me. I thought about what would make me happy. Well, I love every animal I've ever seen, so the natural thing for me was to be with animals all day long. I went to Pampered Pet school of dog grooming and here I am, doing what I love, and have a real talent for.  Love your job and you never have to work a day in your life again!